Sheikh Rasel Quiz 2023 Login Page Published, Details Here

Sheikh Rasel Quiz 2023 Login: The Online Quiz Competition of Sheikh Russel Quiz is set to begin on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 07:00 PM. Group A contestants will take part in the first-day quiz as the registered candidates have divided into two groups. They can simply use the Sheikh Rasel Quiz Login Portal to participate. A total of 10 winners will be selected and each one will get a Core i7, 11th Generation Laptop.[adinserter block=”1″]

ICT Division Bangladesh has confirmed the matter officially. A notice has been published on Sunday (October 1) on the website in this regard. The notice has been signed by Assistant Network Engineer Zonayed Siddique and Assistant Programmer Rubayet Alam.

As per the notice, The portal of Sheikh Rasel Quiz Login for Online Competition 2023 has been published officially. The candidates who registered for the quiz can directly enter their profile through the website. Group A candidates ages between 7-12 years, will need to attend the event on October 2, 2023.

It is also said that contestants need to open their profiles from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM. They can easily join in the Sheikh Russel Quiz in any 10 minutes between the mentioned time. On the other hand, the Competition for Group B will be held on October 3 at the same time as Group A, as mentioned in the notice.[adinserter block=”2″]

Know How to Open Sheikh Rasel Quiz 2023 Login

The officials of the Quiz Competition declared that the candidates who registered for Group A and Group B, will need to enter their profiles to participate in the competition. The event will be held online only on the official website.

Candidates can follow the step-by-step instructions to take part in the Quiz;

  • First of all, you will need to open the Sheikh Rasel Quiz Login Portal.
  • For this, type the URL ( or copy and paste it into the browser and hit the enter button.
  • On the main page, you will get the Banner of the Competition.
  • Click on the “Login or Sign in” button above the banner. It will be located in the main menu.
  • Now, you will be redirected to the login page.
  • Type “Email ID or Phone Number” on the 1st form.
  • Type the “Password” on the desired form.
  • Click on the “Sign in” button.
  • Now, your profile will appear on the screen.

Candidates can only able to participate in the quiz once they reach their profile page. Time will start counting after clicking on the “Start Quiz” button.

Note that, candidates can recover the password if they forget it. For this, they will need to click on the “Rest Password” menu.

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