Honours Admission Result 2023 Out Today, Merit list available at nu.ac.bd & SMS

Honours Admission Result 2023: National University, NU Honours Admission 1st Merit List for the academic year 2022-2023 has been published on Thursday, May 18, 2023 (Today). The NU authority has released the 1st Merit List on the official website nu.ac.bd/admissions today at 04:00 PM.

National University (NU) has published a press notification regarding this matter on the admission portal. The authority said that, NU Honours Admission Result has scheduled to be published today (May 18, 2023) at 04:00 PM. Those Applicants who submitted the application can view their 1st Merit List along with Waiting List through the admission portal nu.ac.bd/admissions.

The result has published at 04:00 PM reportedly which can be checked by the Admission roll and pin number. While this news, a lot of students are saying that, the web server of the admission portal is not working since the result publish. Some students claimed that they are not able to open the portal after 30 minutes of the official declaration.

Steps to Check Honours Admission Result 2023

Once the portal works properly on Android or PC, so it will take only 1 or 2 minutes to show you the 1st Merit Result. If you also face the server loading issue, you can try the following method.

To View NU Honours Admission Result, students can apply the step-by-step method below;

  • First of all, you will need to enter the admission page of the National University.
  • To enter on the page directly, type http://app1.nu.edu.bd/ or copy and paste the URL to the address bar of the Internet Browser.
  • Once the web page loads on your device, the “Honours” menu will be selected automatically.
  • Now, simply click on “Honours”. Then, a new window will be opened soon.
  • On the middle point of the page, click on “Applicant Login” under the Preliminary to Masters( Regular) menu.
  • The applicant’s login page will appear soon.
  • Type the Application Roll Number and PIN number correctly.
  • Now, click on the “Login” button. It will display your result within a few seconds.
  • Finally, print out the result page or take a screenshot for further reference.

In addition, the result can be checked by Mobile SMS. For this, you will need to send an SMS like the following;

nu<Space> athn <Space> roll no and send the SMS on 16222.

Example: nu athn 362642440

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