News Published on 30 November 2021: Bangladesh Public Service Commission 44 BCS Circular 2021 has been published. Here is the official 44 BCS Apply 2021, circular PDF, and Image file with all the necessary information about the circular.

A huge number of Bangladeshi people will be very curious about it. Today we are going to share the most important things for Bangladeshi people who love to be BCS Cadre. Here you will get 44 BCS Circular 2021, Application Process, Marks Distribution, Admit Card, and Seat Plan.[adinserter block=”1″]
44 BCS Circular 2021
As we know, Bangladesh Public Service Commission is the organizer of BCS. They will declare the 44 BCS Circular 2021 published through the official website. You can get the full date and time from below for BCS Application.[adinserter block=”2″]
- Name: 44th BCS
- Application Start Date: 30 December 2021
- Application End Date: 31 January 2022
- Organizer: Bangladesh Public Service Commission
So, the 44 BCS Circular 2021 will be published in November 2021. Every candidate needs to submit the application within the last date. Before moving further, you may get a full date and time below. You can also download BCS Circular 2021 from here to complete 44 BCS Apply 2021.[adinserter block=”3″]

Click here for full circular (PDF)
44 BCS Apply 2021 Date and Time
I have already mentioned that most of the candidates will be looking for the circular. In a single hour, more than a thousand people will be searching on the internet to know “44 BCS Circular 2021”. You will be happy to know that the circular has been published on 30 November 2021. But unfortunately, the official circular hasn’t published yet.
News Update: According to the 44 BCS Circular 2021, the 44th Bangladesh Civil Service examination will have huge posts of different cadres.
44th BCS Recruited Cadres List
On 30 November 2021, the BPSC authority released the 44 BCS vacancy list. According to official news, the upcoming 444 BCS examination will be general with 1,814 posts of different cadres. You May Check it from the following table.
Cadres name | List |
Education Cadre | 814 |
Administration Cadre | 300 |
BCS Police cadre | 100 |
BCS Foreign Cadre | 25 |
BCS Audit Cadre | 35 |
BCS Tax Cadres | 19 |
BCS Co-operative cadre | 20 |
BCS Dental surgeons cadre | 75 |
BCS Other Cadres | 383 |
44 BCS Circular 2021 PDF Download
Bangladesh Public Service Commission– BPSC will be published BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) official circular published. They will be released the circular through some third party website and also on their website. We are always ready to provide you very fast.
Everyone can download the circular from the official website. But sometimes it will show you some error messages. It can be “Not Found, Time Out, Not Responding” or other problems. That’s why we always active to provide you the official circular. We will upload it to our website. Then everyone can download the 44 BCS Circular 2021 PDF from our website.
After download the circular, you may know the Requirement or Eligibility for the BCS Exam.
Eligibility for 44 BCS Application 2021
- Honours Candidates: Every candidate can apply on 44 BCS who have 4 years Honours Degree. If someone examines Honours Final Year and they can also apply to it. But there is a simple twist. If the written exam completed within the deadline of the 44 BCS Circular Application, then he/she can apply. In this case, the candidate must collect a Certificate of his/her appearance at the final year written the exam from the Head of the department/Controller of exam and submit that to BPSC after the publication of the BCS Written exam.
- Degree (Pass Course) Candidates: Are you a degree passed student? And did you complete 2 years Masters’s Exam? So you can apply for 44 BCS Circular 2021. However, if you appeared Masters final exam and your Masters Final Written exam ended before the deadline of the submission of the BCS exam Application, you can apply for the BCS exam. For this, you have to collect a Certificate of your appearance at Masters’ final year written exam from Head of the Department/Controller of exams and submit to Bangladesh Public Service Commission after the publication of the BCS Written exam.
Others Requirement:
Age Limit: 21-30 years for the general candidates. But 21-32 years on the circular date for the freedom fighters’ offspring and Special Groups.
Height and weight for Police and Ansar Cadres:
- Male: Height-5’4″, weight- 54.54kg
- Female: 5′, Weight- 45.45kg
Height and weight for other Cadres:
- Male: Height-5′, weight- 45kg
- Female: 4’10”, Weight- 40kg
44th BCS Application Process 2021
The application process is too much important for any Application, Admission Form, and others. If you won’t able to apply correctly, then you can’t be a candidate for the 44th BCS.
By the way here, I am going to share the very easy way to submit your 44th BCS Application. Remember, you can submit your application through the official website. Never try on another website.
1. Apply 44 BCS Circular Online
First of all, you need to visit the official website of BCS. Or you may visit directly from here. Then submit your application like below.
- First of all, you have to visit the official website:
- Select the position according to your qualification.
- Input your Educational Qualification
- Upload Color Photo (300 x 300 pixel) and Signature (300 x 80)
- Input applicant mobile number
- Re-Check all the information carefully
- Click on “Submit” option
- Finally “Print” the application copy
2. Application Fee Payment Process
After submitting the application, you will get an application USER ID. Then you have to pay the application fee using the ID. After that, you can get “User ID and Password”. Here is the application fee payment process. Go to the mobile message option and type the following keywords
- 1st SMS: BCS <Space> User ID
Example: BCS JHSBSHS send to 16222
After sending the SMS, you will get a confirmation SMS from the official number. Then you have to send the 2nd message.
- 2nd SMS: BCS <Space> YES <Space> PIN
Example: BCS YES 576767 send to 16222
BCS Syllabus and Marks Distribution
First of all, candidates need to participate in the Preliminary Exam. I hope you guys will know that the Preliminary Exam is a bit easier than the written exam. You may check the marks distribution from below.
- Bengali: 35 Marks
- English: 35 Marks
- Bangladesh Affairs: 30 Marks
- International Affairs: 20 Marks
- General Knowledge: 15 Marks
- Mathematics: 15 Marks
- Computer Literacy: 15 Marks
- Mental Skills/Conceptual: 10 Marks
- Geography and other: 10 Marks
Written Exam Compulsory Subjects Marks:
If you successfully passed on the 44 BCS Preliminary Exam, so then you will be selected for the written exam. However, the written exam is too harder than the preliminary exam. That’s why candidates need to take a strong preparation for it. Here are the Written Exam Compulsory Subjects Marks.
- Bengali First and Second Part: 100+100=200 Marks
- English First and Second Paper: 100+100=200 Marks
- Bangladesh Affairs 2 Part: 100+100=200 Marks
- International Affairs: 100 Marks
- General Science and Technology: 100 Marks
- Analytical Mathematics and Mental Ability Test: 100 Marks
So, here I have described the BCS Syllabus and Marks Distribution for 44 BCS. However, this syllabus and marks distribution is not applicable for Technical Cadre.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most of the candidates trying to ask some questions in the Facebook Group or their senior persons. I have included some most important questions for you about BCS (Bangladesh Public Service Commission). And here I am going to share the correct answer for you.
Question 1: What is the full meaning of BCS?
Ans: This is a very simple question. Bangladesh Civil Service is the full meaning for BCS.
Question 2: What are the eligibility for the BCS Exam?
Ans: This is the most important question for maximum candidates. But I have already included the qualification in the above section for the 44 BCS Exam 2021.
Question 3: When will be published 44 BCS Circular 2021?
Ans: Circular has been published within November 2021.
Question 4: How Can I apply to 44 BCS Circular 2021?
Ans: Before submitting the application, you have to know the application process. First of all, visit the official website of and fill up the information correctly. You may scroll up to know the full application process.
Question 5: When will 44 BCS Apply 2021 start?
Ans: According to the official notice, the application will start in 2021.
Question 6: When the online application will end?
Ans: The online application of 44 BCS Apply 2021 will end in the third week of November 2021. So you should apply within 2 days before of application deadline.
Question 7: What is the Required Height and weight for Police and Ansar Cadres?
Ans: Height-5’4”, weight 54.54 kg for Male and 5′, Weight 45.45kg for Female Candidates.
Question 8: How I’ll have to measure my height?
Ans: According to the official instructions of 44 BCS circular, you must write the measurement of your height in ‘Inch’. For example, your height is 5 feet and 6 inches. After converting this measurement into ‘Inch’, it will be 66 inches.
Question 9: How to pay the Application fee?
Ans: Every candidate needs to pay the application fee within 72 hours through the Teletalk Sim Card.
Question 10: What is the fee for the 44 BCS Circular?
Ans: The Exam fee for General Candidate is Tk. 700/, for Special Candidate, as mentioned in the 44 BCS circular-Tk. 100/.
Question 11: When will you get the Admit Card?
Ans: After submitting your online application, you have to preserve the Applicant’s Copy, User ID and Password. Bangladesh Public Service Commission will notify you via mobile SMS. Then you can collect the admit card using the User ID and Password.
Question 12: If you don’t have your NID or Smart Card, then what can you do?
Ans: You have to Select ‘NID’ in the respective field if you’ve either NID or Smart Card. If you don’t have your NID/Smart Card, keep the field blank. But you must collect your and your parents’ NID/Smart Card before viva-voce and produce that before viva-board.
In Conclusion
Well, here I have shared 44 BCS Circular 2021, application process, exam date and time, marks distribution, frequently asked questions and answer. I hope you guys successfully understood this article.
If you have any questions or suggestions, so please leave a comment below. Thank you very much for visiting All Result Net.