NO Admission to the Private University Before HSC Result

University Grants Commission (UGC) Authority requested to the private university’s authority to no start admission process before HSC and Equivalent Result. UGC has issued a notification in this regard.

NO Admission to the Private University Before HSC Result

The notification said that after the publication of the results of higher secondary or equivalent public (HSC/Alim/Vocational or Technical) examinations and following the eligibility policy of the University Grants Commission, the admission process has been requested.[adinserter block=”3″]

Today, Wednesday (November 11) the letter signed by UGC private university director. Md. Fakhrul Islam. And then the letter has been sent to the vice-chancellors and registrars of all private universities in Bangladesh.

According to the letter, the results of this year’s high school or equivalent public examination have not been published yet.

Also Read: HSC Result 2020 Date

However, the Commission is concerned that a significant number of private universities have started student admission and education activities before released the results of HSC or equivalent public examinations.

As per the rules, a student must have a minimum second class or GPA-2.50 or equivalent grade in each exam of SSC and HSC or equivalent public examination in order to be admitted in a private university.

However, if one of the exams has a minimum GPA of -2.00, then both exams must have a total GPA of at least 6.00 to get admission.

So According to the rules, there is no chance of student admission to the university before published the results of the higher secondary or equivalent public examination of 2020. News Source: Prothom-Alo.

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