JSC Scholarship Result 2022 PDF: All Education Board News

JSC Scholarship Result 2022 PDF All Board Download: This is Breaking News for the JSC Examinee of 2021. JSC Scholarship 2022 has been published and everyone can download it from here without any issue. The official website of the Bangladesh Education Board already published the result. আজকে রাজশাহী বোর্ডের JSC Scholarship ফলাফল প্রকাশিত হয়েছে!

I hope you guys will be searching on the internet to download JSC Scholarship Result 2022 for JSC Exam 2019. If you really want it, then you are entered in the perfect place. Because today I am going to share all the information about JSC Scholarship. However, here you can also download the JSC Scholarship 2022 very fast from here.[adinserter block=”2″]

সকল বোর্ডের ”বৃত্তি ফলাফল” প্রকাশিত হয়েছে! ডাউনলোড করুন এখান থেকে

JSC Scholarship Result 2019

In 2019, the JSC Exam was started on 1 November 2019. More than 2.6 Milion for JSC and nearly 1.5 Milion for the JDC Examinee participate in the exam. In fact, JSC Result 2019 was published on 31 December 2019. Now most of the students waiting for the result who thinks they are qualified for the Scholarship.[adinserter block=”3″]

As we know, Scholarship is a very important thing for a brilliant student. I already mentioned that Students can get financial and other help from the Education Board. But this is only for those students who have passed in JSC with GPA-5 of.

If you are one of them, you can get the result from here. Before the scholarship result, you have to know the Scholarship Result Publish Date.

JSC Scholarship Result 2022 Date

The result published date is a painful fact for students or Job Exam Candidates. But most of the time they can’t succeed to know the result published date. I already got too many questions about the JSC Scholarship date on our Facebook Page. That’s why here I am going to describe the published date.

In 2019, the JSC Result was published on 31 December 2019. We know that Bangladesh Junior School Certificate (JSC) authority always tries to publish the scholarship result within 60 or 70 days later of the JSC Result. So JSC Scholarship Result 2022 will be published on 22 March 2022 according to the calculation.[adinserter block=”7″]

Previous Year Scholarship Result Date

Last year, JSC Scholarship was published on the official website in the last week of February 2019. But this year the February month already ended. You may get the previous year’s result date from below.

JSC Scholarship 201429th March 2015
JSC Scholarship 201525th May 2016
JSC Scholarship 201612th April 2017
JSC Scholarship 2017April/May 2018
Scholarship 2018Last week of February 2019
JSC Scholarship 201922 March 2022

So, you maybe get an idea about the JSC Scholarship Date from the above table. Now I am going to describe the result downloading system.

How To Check JSC Scholarship Result 2022:

It is also a very important thing for every student. Because a maximum number of student doesn’t know how to check the Scholarship Result. If you are one of them, so don’t worry! Here I am going to describe all workable ways to check the Scholarship Result.

First of all, I want to mention here; I have already described two different ways to collect the result. One is Online and another one is PDF File Download. Online and PDF both process is very easy for everyone. If you follow the instruction carefully, then you will also get HSC Result 2022 using the same method.

JSC Scholarship Result 2019 PDF Download:

You guys will be don’t know that the Scholarship Result is only available in PDF version. The official result sheet only available on the official website of the Bangladesh Education Board. There are a total of 10 Education Board for the JSC Scholarship under 7 Division in Bangladesh.

All Education Board published the scholarship result on their website. If you want to download it, then you have to visit the official website. But you can also download it directly from our website. Because we have uploaded the official PDF file of Scholarship Result. It will help you to download JSC Scholarship Result 2022 PDF without any problem.[adinserter block=”4″]

Rajshahi Board Notice

  1. Rajshahi Board (27-04-2022)
  2. Dinajpur Board (Published on 26-03-2022)
  3. Barisal Board (Published on 26-03-2022
  4. Mymensingh Board (Published on 25-03-2022)
  5. Jessore Board (Published on 24-03-2022)
  6. Comilla Board (23-03-2022)
  7. Sylhet Board (Published on 23-03-2022)
  8. Dhaka Board (Published on 22-02-2022)
  9. Chittagong Board (Published on 22-02-2022)
  10. Rajshahi Board
  11. Madrasa Board 2019 (Published on 22-02-2022)

All Board JSC Scholarship 2010:

Scholarship Result published in different Education Boards on different dates. Every student can collect their Result for their own education board and also from our website. If you want to collect your result, so collect it from below. You can get the All Education Board Scholarship Result from here.

So, I have shared a total 10 Education Board Scholarship Result. You may click the above download link to download the result sheet as a PDF File. The downloading process will start automatically within a few seconds.

If you face any problem to download the PDF File, so you may follow another way.

JSC Scholarship Result 2022 Online:

You will know that the Online/Internet is the most important system to check every Public Exam Result in Bangladesh. We can easily able to check our results using the internet. The Secondary Education Board authority has published the JSC Result by the internet on its official website. There are 10 websites for JSC Scholarship Result.

If you want to check the Scholarship Result online, so you need to visit the official website of your Education Board. Visit the official website, anyone, as you want. Then try to find out “Recent Notice” on your Education Board Official Website under “JSC Corner”. Then click on “Scholarship Result” that will be blinking. You may follow the process below.

  • First of all, Visit the Education Board Official website. Example: If you a student of the Dinajpur Board, then you have to visit the Dinajpur Board Official Website.
  • Then try to find out “Recent Notice” under “JSC Corner”
  • Click on the “JSC Scholarship 2022” that will be blinking.
  • Finally, click on the “Save” option to download the result sheet as a PDF File

Note: You have to visit the Education Board Result Website of your Education Board. Otherwise, you can’t get your results. But you can also download JSC Scholarship Result 2022 from the above download link.

What is JSC Scholarship?

Junior School Certificate is the full meaning of JSC for the Bangladesh Education Board. Every year JSC exam held on the Month of November in Bangladesh. Age between 14-15 years students participates in the JSC Exam from different Education Board.

The Education Board Result team published the result in the last week of December. Candidates who passed in JSC examination with brilliant success (A+ in all subject), they will get the JSC Scholarship. And candidates will be known they are selected in Scholarship after getting the Scholarship Result.

Types of JSC Scholarship:

JSC Scholarship is also called Junior School Britti in Bengali. It is very helpful for those students who successfully passed on the JSC exam with brilliant results. They can get huge financial help from the Education Board.

In Bangladesh, the Secondary Education Board has two different types of Scholarship. These are below.

  • Talent Pool Scholarship
  • General Scholarship

So, I think you guys will be successfully understood about JSC Scholarship. Now everyone will be very curious to download it.

In Conclusion:

Well, that’s was all about JSC Scholarship Result 2022 for Bangladesh All Education Board. I hope you guys will be successfully downloaded Scholarship Result Sheet from this website.

If this article helped you, then try to share it with your friend circle. Thank you very much for visiting AllResultNet.com

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Sourav is a content writer for this portal. He completed his Honours from Dinajpur Govt College in English Subject. He is highly passionate about Blogging. Sourav mostly covers Education, Recruitment News besides his study. You can find him on Facebook.

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