Update 11 September 2021: This is breaking news for you if you looking for When will School Open in Bangladesh 2021? Every week we got a few news related to school reopening in Bangladesh! But most all the dates have reached and School, College Or other Educational Institute failed to reopen. However, today we are going to share the breaking news about this issue.

In this article, we will share the breaking news of the School Reopening Date and Time.
When will School Open in Bangladesh 2021?
As you guys know that Educational institutions were shut on 17 March 2020 after the country confirmed its first COVID-19 cases on 8 March. JSC and PSC Exam, HSC Exam 2020 was canceled for the reason. National University Honours 4th Year Exam was postponed due to the Covid-19.
You may also know that Movement Pass Police Gov BD Notice has been published on 14 April 2021 for the same reason. However, you can get recent news regarding School Repon Time in Bangladesh.
School Reopen News
11 September News
আগামীকাল অর্থাৎ ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে চালু হচ্ছে শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান।
03 September 2021 News
১২ সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে উচ্চমাধ্যমিক স্তর পর্যন্ত শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান খুলছে
করোনা সংক্রমণ নিম্নমুখী হওয়ায় দীর্ঘ প্রায় দেড় বছর ধরে বন্ধের পর ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে উচ্চমাধ্যমিক স্তর পর্যন্ত শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান খুলে দেওয়া হচ্ছে। শিক্ষামন্ত্রী দীপু মনি এ কথা জানিয়েছেন বলে আজ শুক্রবার প্রথম আলোকে জানান শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের জ্যেষ্ঠ জনসংযোগ কর্মকর্তা আবুল খায়ের।
করোনার কারণে গত বছরের ১৭ মার্চ থেকে দেশের শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানগুলোতে ছুটি চলছে। সরকারের সর্বশেষ ঘোষণা অনুযায়ী, ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর পর্যন্ত ছুটি আছে। নতুন সিদ্ধান্তের ফলে ছুটি আর বাড়ছে না।
Educational Institution will open on 15 September 2021 when asked “When will School Open in Bangladesh 2021? to the authority.
News on 24 January 2021
We have already collected authentic news from the trusted sources. If you read the news, then you will be getting some idea about when will school reopen in Bangladesh?
Minister of Education told that, Educational institutions will be opened in the opinion of the advisory committee. A guideline has been sent to the educational institution on how to open the educational institution in compliance with health protection. Institutions should be made suitable to start classes by February 4.
Education Minister Dipu Moni has said that the decision on when the educational institution will be opened will be taken on the basis of the opinion of the National Advisory Committee on Corona.

On January 15, the Ministry of Education extended the ongoing shutdown of educational institutions till January 30.
Guidelines for educational institutions
- Take necessary steps to keep track of the health of all concerned (teachers, students, staff, cleaners) when entering the educational institution, every day
- Compulsory use of three-layer masks for everyone
- Plan for the resumption of educational institutions in coordination with the local administration and the local health department
- Prepare updated information about Covid-19 in simple language for students with the help of the local health department
- Take necessary measures so that students can take part in educational activities and move around in the educational institution while maintaining physical distance as per health rules
- Guidelines include separate sections for teachers, outlining their modes of teaching.
That’s was all about School, Colleges or Other Institutions Opening Date of Bangladesh. We hope you will be understood about When will School Open in Bangladesh 2021.
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