Are you looking for SSC Dakhil Routine 2023? Here you can easily able to download it. SSC Dakhil is completely only for Islam religious students. This year 2023 SSC Dakhil Exam will start on 14 April. So if you examine this exam, so download Madrasah Board SSC Routine 2023 from here and start hard working on your preparation.[adinserter block=”1″]

SSC Dakhil Routine 2023
Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board Dakhil Exam 2023 will start on 14 November 2023. All exam centers will take the Dakhil examination at the same time.
As per routine, students need to participate for 3 days this year. The Dakhil exam will be completed on 21 November 2023. The practical and viva exam couldn’t be taken.[adinserter block=”2″]
Dakhil exam routine 2023 has been published by Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board. Keep your eyes on the Dakhil Exam Routine 2023. The routine can be changed at any time by the authority.
Dakhil Routine 2023 PDF
Bangladesh education board has published SSC Routine 2023 for all education boards in Bangladesh. Here you can also able to download the Madrasah board Dakhil Routine 2023.[adinserter block=”3″]

Also Read: SSC Exam Routine 2023
Simple History of SSC Dakhil (Madrasha) Board:
According to the ordinance of the board, The Madrasah Education Ordinance, 1978 (Ordinance No. IX of 1978), it is responsible for the organization, regulation, supervision, control and development, and improvement of Dakhil, Dakhil, Fazil, and Kamil level public examinations, and educational institutions.
The Madrasah Education Ordinance was made by the President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on the 27th of February 1978. As soon as it may be after the commencement of this Ordinance, the Government shall, notification by the Ministry of Law and Parliamentary Affairs on 2nd March 1978, establish a board called Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board. Furquania, Ibtedayee, Dakhil, Dakhil, Fazil, and Kamil Madrasah all over the country were under the control of that board.
Thanks for visiting here. If you succeed to download SSC Dakhil Routine 2023, so please leave a comment here. And please share this article with your friend’s circle to help him to get SSC Routine 2023.
Dakhil Result 2023
SSC Dakhil Result 2023 Madrasah Education Board is now available on our website by Dakhil examines can check their SSC Dakhil Exam Result Madrasah Board from our website. Just input your Roll Number and select the board name to check your SSC Dakhil Result 2023.
The largest number of candidates attends on the SSC exam all over Bangladesh under the 10 Education Board. Here we will provide you some necessary info about the SSC Dakhil Exam Result 2023 of Madrasah Education Board Bangladesh.[adinserter block=”3″]
If you are a Madrasah Board SSC Examine 2023, this content is very helpful to you. Here you will get some necessary info about the SSC Result 2023 Publish date, SSC Exam Result 2023 News Update, and Collecting Systems. All the desired items are available on this single page. Just stay with us on here and get more info about the SSC Result 2023 BD Madrasah Board.
SSC Dakhil Result 2023
How to get Madrasah Board SSC Dakhil Result 2023 very Fast?
It is the common query and also the common question which maximum times asked by the people. If you also looking for the desired question, you will get a better result here.
After publishing the SSC Result 2023 by the Education Board Bangladesh, you will able to check it easily. To check the result yourself you can follow online, SMS and Android Apps format. All the process is very simple and easy to get result Madrasha board SSC Result.[adinserter block=”2″]
SSC Dakhil Result 2023 Madrasah Board
SSC Result 2023 Madrasah Board. Madrasah education is only for Islam religions students. It is a very important education system of Bangladesh’s education board.
It is also called Dakhil Exam. SSC Dakhil Exam Result Madrasah education board Bangladesh. Madrasah education board published their SSC Result 2023 at the same time. Here you can easily able to get your SSC Dakhil Result 2023. You may also get the HSC Exam Result 2023 for a general education board from this website.[adinserter block=”1″]
SSC Dakhil Result 2023 Madrasah Board check online:
The SSC Examinee under the Dakhil Education Board can check their result from the Online internet. The process is very simple and too easy. Just visit the official website of Bangladesh education board result portal to check SSC Result 2023 Online.
Then select your “Examination”. It is “SSC/Dakhil”. Now chose the exam year “2023”. Then select your education board. It is “Madrasah” for Madrasha education board. Now input your “Exam Roll Number”. Then input again your “Registration Number” in the next box.[adinserter block=”7″]
Now input the simple captcha code to prove you are human. Not a robot. Then provide the necessary info and click on the submit button. Then you will able to look at your result. You may also able to check your individual and full institute Result from the Madrasah Board official Website. The Result will release on the Internet after 02:00 PM.
The full process below for SSC Dakhil Result 2023 online:
- At first login “Madrasah Education Board” Govt. official web address.
- Then select “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent exam” on this option.
- And then select “2023” on this year or another exam year.
- Then select “Madrasah” on Jessore education board option.
- After type “Roll number” your roll number of Board Exam.
- Then type Registration number [It is new option]
- Fill the “Captche code” do it must be careful.
In conclusion, check this information well and finally click the “Submit” button.
After some second later you can get your result easily.
SSC Dakhil Result Madrasah Education Board Check by SMS:
The SSC Result 2023 Madrasah Education Board will also be checked by the Mobile SMS from any Normal Mobile and Smartphone. Bangladeshi all mobile operators company allow this attractive feature. A Simple message is required sending for getting the result. Do you know the Madrasah Board SSC Dakhil Result 2023 Collection format?
Check the format and try it to check your SSC Result 2023 By SMS after 02:00 PM or after publishing the SSC Result 2023 Madrasah Board on the internet or Online. Just, go to the Message option and type, SSC and give a space and type first three letters of education board “MAD”.Now leave a space again and type your roll number.
Then type exam year “2023”. SSC<space>MAD<space>Roll<space>2023 and send to 16222. Here, the MAD is the 1st three letters of Madrasah Education Board. 123456 are examining Roll number.
Please replace the Roll Number with your Own SSC Roll Number. 2023 is the SSC Passing year. Then send the message to 16222 from any Number. After the successful sending. you will be charged 2.50+TK and you will receive your Result.SSC Mark Sheet 2023 will available after 06:00 Pm on the same date in.[adinserter block=”4″]
Full SMS below for Madrasah Board SSC Result 2023
SSC MAD 123456 2023 and send to 16222. Finally, we hope that you have successfully understood about the SSC Dakhil Result 2023 of the Madrasah Education Board.
If you face any problem while trying to collect your SSC Dakhil Result Madrasah Education Board, just inform us on here. We will review your problem and try to solve your problem shortly. Thank you for being with us here.