Update 19 July 2021: National University going to provide Nu Ac BD Vaccine for their students. All the students need to apply for NU Covid Vaccine Registration. All the Educational Institution has been closed from the last year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

If you want to get NU AC BD Vaccine 2021,, NU Covid Vaccine Registration 2021, Website Link, so Allresultnet.com will help you to complete your task.[adinserter block=”1″]
What is NU AC BD Vaccine?
All the Bangladeshi People know that all the Educational Institution has been closed from the last year. Bangladesh Government has been announced Covid-19 Vaccine for Government Employees. Besides this, old people also able to get the vaccine.[adinserter block=”2″]
But what about students? When will reopen school or college in Bangladesh? When will start the postponed exam of the National University? There are huge questions regarding the current situation. As a result, National University going has been taken appropriate action for their students.
As per the official news, National University students will be vaccinated against Covid-19. For this reason, the university authority asked for student’s information.
In the meantime, in order to prevent and avoid the risk of Covid-19 infection, urgent instructions have been given to send information about the Covid-19 vaccine to the students under the National University.[adinserter block=”3″]
Application System for NU AC BD Covid-19 Vaccine
National University’s all the students searching on the internet to know who to register for the vaccine after getting the news. Almost 500+ students sent us messages regarding NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration through our official Facebook Page.
If you also one of them and looking for an easy procedure, so here you will get the easiest procedure that will help you to complete the registration process within 5 minutes. Let’s move to the procedure.[adinserter block=”1″]
NU AC BD Vaccine Registration Link (Official) for NU Students
You will get the official method for vaccine registration.
- First of all, visit the official website of National University.
- To register for the vaccine, visit the teporary website You can reach the official web address by clicking the direct link.
- After that, you will get a new web page that will want your information.
- Type your Name, Fater Name, Course Name, Date of Birth in the first page.
- Enter your Registraion Number in the desired feild.
- Select either you taken vaccine or not?
- Finally, click on submit button from this page.
- After that, you will get confirmation message within a few seconds.
Well, that’s was the official procedure for NU AC BD Vaccine Registration for those students who study at National University.
If you face any problem while submitting your application, so there is no need to worry! We suggest you try it after some time. It can happen for huge application requests at the same time.
When will end NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registraion?
According to the official news, National University authorizes asked students for information for the vaccine within 12 July 2021.
May I submit an application after the application deadline?
There is no chance to submit an application after the last date. But if the authority publishes further notice, so it will be workable.
NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Website Kaj kore na, ki kora jabe?
If you get any errors while submitting your application, so there is no way to expect to try again.
Well, that’s was all about NU AC BD Vaccine for National University’s Students. We hope you guys will succeed to submit your application. If you need any help, so contact us using the comment section below. We will try to reply to you very soon.
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