JSC Result 2019 has been published here! This is Breaking News! Everyone can check their results by visiting this website. It will take within 10 seconds to show the result. You can check JSC Exam Result 2019 very fast from this website. Because all the official information and the official result server has been included in this post. That will help you to collect your JSC Exam Result by Roll and Registration Number.[adinserter block=”3″]
Do you want to check the JSC Result 2019? So you are coming to the right place. Because I am going to share the result. Anyway, today I am going to share the JSC Exam Result Date and Time and Result checking process for all education boards including JSC Vocational & JSC Dakhil Education Board. You can check JSC Result very fast from this page by Roll or Registration Number.
JSC Result 2019
- Name of the Exam: JSC Exam
- Exam Start Date: 01 November 2019
- Exam End Date: 11 November 2019
- JSC Result Publish Date: 31 December 2019
JSC Result 2019 Publish Date
According to the previous year’s statistics, the Junior School Board authority will publish the result on Tuesday (Today), 31 December 2019. Most of the examine searching on the internet to know the actual date. If the JSC Exam time is to be followed then the board is released on this date.[adinserter block=”3″]
In 2019, the JSC Exam was completely finished on 11 November 2019. We know that Bangladesh Junior School Certificate (JSC) authority always tries to publish the exam result within 30 or 45 days later of the exam. This is the main fact. So JSC Result will be published on 31 December 2019.
Result Published Date: 31 December 2019
How To Check JSC Exam Result 2019?
Before starting to reading this article, you must require knowing about the content is helpful only for the JSC Examine 2019 and their Guardians. If you one of them, just read the full content and feel free and gain more News about the JSC Exam Result Bangladesh Education Board.[adinserter block=”3″]
Here we will include all the desire information steps by steps. It will provide you with extra facilities by reading the content. So, don’t waste your valuable time. Just stay with us here and learn more about the Education Board Result.
অন্য কোথাও যেতে হবে না! কোন সমস্যা ছাড়াই আপনার ফলাফল সরাসরি এই পোষ্ট থেকে দেখতে পাবেন
1. JSC Result 2019 from online
After publishing the result, every examine will able to collect their results instantly using the Internet from the official website of Bangladesh education board. The current session is the time of the internet. So, you can easily collect your results from the Internet/Online.
You can also check SSC Result 2020 BD from our main server.
2. JSC Result 2019 From Eboardresults.com
Firstly, you have to visit on Eboardresults.com/app (Official Website) and you have to click on the “SSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent Result” button. After that, choosing the Examination, Exam Year, Education Board Name. Then chose “Result Type”. Finally, input your Roll Number and verify the Captcha code and Hit Enter Button to get JSC Result Instantly.
That’s it. After complete the above task, you can get your result shortly.
This process helps you to collect all the results of any institute.
3. JSC Result 2019 From Educationboardresults.gov.bd
কোথাও যেতে হবে না! কোন সমস্যা ছাড়াই আপনার ফলাফল সরাসরি নিচে দেখতে পাবেন
Server 01
Server 02 of the Education Board Result
- At first login “www.educationboardresults.gov.bd”
- Then select the “JSC/Dakhil/Equivalent exam” on this option.
- And then select “2019” this year or another exam year.
- Then select the “Education Board” on the education board option.
- After type six digits “Roll number” your roll number of Board Exam.
- Then type Registration number [It is the new option]
- Fill the “Captcha code” do it must be careful.
Now click on the “Submit” button for the result.
4. JSC Result 2019 By SMS
SMS very simple and also very workable way for checking any Board Exam Result. Every examine can check their JSC Result by SMS. Go to message option and write JSC<Space>Board Name<Space>Roll<Space>Exam Year. Then finally send the SMS to 16222 and get your result instantly.
- JSC DHA 32457465 2019
Here JSC means exam name, DHA means first three letters of Education Board, a Roll number is 32457465 and 2019 is the Exam year.
Finally, send the message to 16222 from any sim operator.
All Education Board JSC Result 2019
Bangladesh Secondary and Higher Secondary Education board have total 10 education board. There are Nine General Education Board, 1 Madrasah Board. Every year result publishes on the same date for All Education Board.
Here I am going to share all education boards Examine, Official Website, and also result checking process. Let’s jump below.
1. JSC Result 2019 Dhaka Board
- JSC DHA 54147217 2019
2. Barisal Board JSC Result
- JSC BAR 7487411 2019
3. Rajshahi Board JSC Result
- JSC RAJ 6746511 2019
Here JSC is Examination Name, RAJ is the Board short Code, 6746511 is roll number and 2019 is the Exam Year.
4. Comilla Board JSC Exam Result
Result by SMS: JSC COM 7688541 2019
5. JSC Result Madrasah Education Board
Mobile SMS System:
JSC MAD 5678451 2019 and send the SMS to 16222 from any number.
JSC Result Grading System
The grading system is one of the most important systems which is implemented in so many Education Board in Bangladesh. The grading system is a system that allocates the grades according to the marks secured by the students.

The above is just the example for the grading system of Bangladesh Secondary Education Board; it varies from subject to subject.
In Conclusion:
Well, that’s was all about JSC Result 2019 Bangladesh Education Board. Here I have shared the result checking process and most of the important things for JSC Examine and others. I hope you guys successfully understood and also able to check your results from our website. Thanks for being with us. If you face any problem to get your result, so contact with us Via comment box.
Hello Vai,
Result Ki 30 December dibe?
This is provable date.
Na 31 a Decembor
K Bolche?
Vai koitar somoi result published hbe??
12 PM or 1PM
31december .
Valuable post dear! Thank You Very Much For Share. But Result Sure Kobe Publish Hobe? Please let me know.
Hello Sohag, Thank you so much for your comment. We hope result will be publish on 28-30 December 2019. Stay with us to get your result very fast.
Nice post Boss. Thanks
Thanks for your comment.
Khub sound or Kore sokol bisoy describe korechen. Thank you for this post
Thanks for your comment.
Helpful post man. Thanks
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Vhai, bashate to ar tikte pari na parar jonne. Result holey valo.
Vai, wait korun.
As soon as possible, I wanna know the date when it will be published. Hope, the Almighty Allah may bless upon us to carry a good result.
Bro, we hope the result will be published on 31st December 2019. All The Best
Bro, i also think the result will be publish on 31st December. By the way, this is really informative article that I never read before. Thank you very much.
Thanks for your comment.
Thank You
Vai kokhon result published hobe
12 PM or 1PM
Number Soho marksheet Kibhebe Pabo?
Apnr Education Board Er Official Website theke.
Kintu sekhane subject wise marks show kore na.
Apnr Board Er Name bolen. Ami try kore dekhbo.